Posted by: | Apr 22, 2021
University isn’t for everyone. Some people prefer to get hands on experience and apprenticeships are a great way to do this by kick starting your career, minus the cost.
Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age of 16 but it is generally aimed at people between 16-24 years old. By doing an apprenticeship it creates future job opportunities because at the end of your apprenticeship the employer might decide they want to keep you on and offer you a job.
As an Employer, you can benefit from an apprentice because you can find that apprentices benefit your business for the new skills and fresh perspective they bring to the table.
Things Employers should consider before taking on an apprentice:
• Do you have the time to take on an apprentice?
• Do you have the capacity to teach and guide them?
• Apprentices are there to learn.
Apprentices are there to learn
You need to bear in mind that an apprenticeship isn't just a job because as an apprentice you are getting an education at the same time.
To the Employers, your apprentice needs time and support to learn from someone more experienced because this will help them grow as a person and help them build the foundations for a successful career.
The Downside
I know what you're probably thinking this all sounds too good to be true right? Well, to the people who may be considering an apprenticeship I am here to tell you the truth about apprenticeships so let's get into the downside of apprenticeships.
The downside of an apprenticeship is you will miss out on the university life experience and that may include living in uni accommodation with your friends.
shorter holidays is also a downside for apprentices because for those of you who have only just turned 16, this could be rather troubling, unlike the school holidays the only holiday you will get as an apprentice is up to 5.6 weeks if in full-time employment.
Capacity to teach and guide them
As an Apprentice having guidance helps to bridge the gap between employment and education because you get to experience both at the same time and this helps you be better prepared for the world of work whereas if you go to university and study for a degree for 3 years and then get a job it might be a bit more of a difficult transition.
For the employers, being able to teach and guide your apprentice on top of the other responsibilities of your job role is important because an apprentice will be learning from you. If you can't deliver on this then maybe now is not the time to take on an apprentice. Guiding an apprentice will pass on your skills and knowledge, this means that you are sharing the experience you have gathered throughout your career.
As an apprentice time is an important factor because they will need to complete assignments, as well as getting the responsibilities of their job role done on time so keeping organised and having a schedule can be helpful for that, this also avoids any unnecessary stress.
For employers, time is an important factor too because you will need to balance the responsibilities of your job role and guide your apprentice at the same time.
I hope this cleared up any uncertainty about apprenticeships. Apprenticeships or universities what do you prefer? Let us know in the comments.
Amber from the Apply4U Team
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