Our Technology

Discover how our innovative solutions streamline your candidate search to success. Explore the power of our technology right here, right now.

Apply4U.com - Pioneering Technology

Thank you for being interested in Our Technology! We're a fast-growing company that is madly in love with the latest technology, so we've decided to invest heavily in our technology and do something special with its help, something that hopefully you'll like and enjoy using.

Sometime back, we realised to offer you helpful recruitment we not only needed great people, we also needed the best recruitment technology available. So we researched a few specialist recruitment technology firms and partnered with them to offer you the most pioneering recruitment technology available today. Now all available under one roof on the, Award Winning Helpful Recruitment Jobsite; www.apply4U.co.uk

To achieve the very best results and to stay ahead with our technology we spent time focusing on.


Interface / Design

Working very closely with our web design partners; www.optimise7.com & ATTB (All The Top Bananas), to design a jobsite with a simple yet effective web design, making it easy to use and appealing to our users.

We clearly split the jobsite users with 2 clear colour schemes for easy definition


1 - Candidates

Blue colour scheme: www.apply4u.com/Jobs/Jobseekers/


2 - Employers / Recruiters

Green colour scheme: www.apply4u.com/Jobs/Employers/


1 - Dashboard Candidates

Blue colour scheme: www.apply4u.com/Jobs/Jobseekers/


2 - Dashboard Employers / Recruiters

Green colour scheme: www.apply4u.com/Jobs/Employers/

Searching & Matching

What's the point in having great Jobs and CVs if users can't find them?

A good search & matching engine is paramount to enable users to quickly and easily access data. We knew this was going to be one of the most important aspects of our jobsite and we needed a specialist solution which would put our jobsite ahead of the game.

Therefore, we researched what specialist recruitment search and match tools were available and decided to partner up with Actonomy who provide industry leading semantic search & match technology for the recruitment industry.


In-House Software Development

Our jobsite is unique and has become a revolutionary recruitment jobsite platform. For this reason we could never purchase an “off the shelf” jobsite package and have had to over the years build up our own in-house team of software developers to understand, concept, build and test our unique functionality and features. This has also enabled us to stay ahead of the rest and we continuously strive to build and add new unique features to our jobsite to give our users the very best experience.

Some of our unique features include

You can registered for Free and Pay for product / services as you wish Or you can subscribe monthly and have access to more product for cheaper

You don't have to be the owner of your company to register, we allow individuals to register and utilise our jobsite. So if you're a recruiter and are struggling to fill a job, simply register now and see how apply4U can help you.

Apply4U experts keep in constant contact with candidates and employers on our system, enabling them to highlight, influence and recommend individuals for jobs or individuals employers should contact. Never seen online before...

Only on Apply4U.com can you now Express Interest in candidates before you spend a penny and see if they are interested before downloading their CV. Candidates can also now Express Interest in companies they like, not just for job opportunities but also for an “informal discussion” or for “networking purposes”.

Our unique technology allows us to store different candidate types helping employers and recruiters quickly access candidates and information they are looking for.

Candidate Types are Normal (registered), Screened (someone our experts have either spoken to and screened or have completed our online screening test),Exclusive (someone our experts have headhunted or are working with exclusively) & Internal (our internal CV database available for verified recruitment professionals only)

Discreet / Anonoymous Settings

Our technology has been developed to allow employed candidates or those who wish to be discreet from being found job searching to control their profile and who can download their CV. Our CV lock function means employers & recruiters will need to first express interest in a candidate and the candidate will need to accept before they could download and view the full CV.

This feature enables candidates already in work and that wish to progress or just keep an eye on the market have their profile up and running without the fear of being caught by their current boss.

Discreet / Anonoymous Settings
Job Feeds

Job Feeds

Posting jobs is key to finding top talent but can be time consuming. Therefore we've partnered up with the major Job Aggregators to allow our users to quickly and easily post to us through third party job aggregators such as; Broadbean, Idibu, JobMate & LogicMelon. Our technology allows Employers and Recruitment agencies to post jobs to us and other boards instantly with a simple click of a button.

We also send our job feeds out daily to major Job Search Engines such as; Indeed, Simply Hired, 1Job, Trovit, Job Rapido, Career Jet and Jobg8 to ensure jobs posted on Apply4U are also posted across the internet enabling our clients to get maximum exposure for each job posting.

Internal Cv Feeds

On request of our professional recruitment agency members, we have now allowed access to our large and ever growing internal CV database. This allows verified recruitment members to search through our internal CV database from their accounts or request our experts to search for relevant CVs for them. We accept internal CVs from RPO's (recruitment process outsourcing companies), CV Banks and CV Forwarding companies such as; Free my CV, CV Bank, CV Trumpet&many more... We can also help employers get the most out of other leading Job Boards such as Monster, Jobsite, Fish4, Reed, CV Library, TotalJobs, JobServe, CareersinRecruitment, CWJobs, IT Job Board and many more...

Internal CVs are only available to verified professional recruitment members and the details should be used for internal purposes only. Contact us to become a verified recruitment member now by calling 020 8166 9998. And these are just some of our technology advancements; many more are for you to explore on our platform and several are still yet to come...

Aw… and let's not forget that since in our days speed is everything, we stepped up to the plate and now we can proudly say that you can search for candidates or jobs and receive matching ones instantly, in a blink of an eye. We are hosted by one of the UKs fastest website hosting companies; UKFast.

Technology has proven to be a great friend in helping us out with our Security making sure that everything you have on our site is guarded and it's going nowhere. Also, technology has helped us create many flexible packages available in Our services and benefits to our amazing design and social media.

Speaking of social media, don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube for more information and updates.

Internal Cv Feeds