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Classic Education

Considering leaving teaching?

Posted 13 days ago by@ Classic Education

  • West Wickham, Greater London
  • Permanent
  • Dependent on MPS
  • £130 to £258 /Day
  • Standard
  • Expires In 15 days

As an experienced teacher myself, I understand the stresses that this point in the year can bring.

If you are interested new opportunities, with exciting new challenges, or a reduced workload, I'd love to discuss how you can stay working in education, whilst gaining more of a work-life-balance.


  • If you are considering leaving teaching, looking for new opportunities and feel unsure what you can do next, please get in touch today
  • Day to day supply can offer you financial security, whilst reducing your workload - actually working 8.30-3.30pm!
  • If you need more flexibility over your own schedule, short term positions offer you the flexibility over your calendar, meaning you can go to the doctors appointment you've been waiting for for weeks, or book the cheaper flight for your holiday
  • Short term positions also offer you the freedom to see a variety of schools and build up your own preferred and unpreferred list of schools
  • Short term contracts also often evolve into longer term - permenant positions if this is of interest.

If you love teaching, but the admin and planning side of the education system is making you feel like you can't continue in this profession, please get in touch today. I am an experienced primary teacher myself and most likely been in a similar situtation to yourself. If you would like a confidential conversation to discuss your options, please contact me:

/ 01474 359 333