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Head of Impact Partnerships (International)

Posted 4 days ago

  • London, Greater London
  • Any
  • External
  • Expires In 3 months
JOB DESCRIPTIONThe new Head of Impact Partnerships (International) role will be responsible for overseeing the expansion of our grantmaking, our research, convening and campaigning work from the UK to our growth regions in the US (Miami, Austin, Las Vegas), Brazil and Italy. The Head of Impact Partnerships (International) will identify, support and convene our charity partners to deliver a series of high quality, impactful projects that deliver on our mission. In the US, Brazil and Italy, our strategic goals are to support young people from underrepresented backgrounds into STEM careers and to mobilise the global network of motorsport employers to adopt inclusive recruitment and retention strategies.Roles and ResponsibilitiesProgramme Strategy, Design and Delivery (60%)● Lead the design, development and delivery of our organisation's strategy for achievingour impact goals in our growth territories (US, Brazil and Italy)● Keep the team, specifically SLT and the Board, updated on our plans and progresstowards meeting our goals● Oversee programmatic budgets, monitoring spend and looking for opportunities tomaximise our impact● Embed and continually refine our approach to grant-making, supporting our organisationto become a bold, progressive and relational grantmaker● Support us to achieve its aim to be a highly transparent and accountablefoundation● Grow the capacity and capability of our partners, by supporting the ongoing designand development of our Funder Plus programme, and through the establishmentof engaging and high quality communities of practice● Ensure young people are at the heart of our organisation's work, by creatingopportunities to consult and work collaboratively with young people in your work,primarily via our Youth Advisory Board and the Senior Youth ParticipationManager● Line manage 1-2 Impact Manager(s) based in each growth country, ensuring theyare able to provide effective relationship management to our charity partners, andwork with them in a way that delivers maximum impact for young people● Oversee and manage all legal, operational and governance risks associated with ourimpact strategy and our charity partnerships, adhering to high standards ofcompliance, risk management, safeguarding, due diligence, financial controls andaudit reportingResearch, Learning and Evaluation (10%)● Continually refine, improve and apply the theory of change for the relevant impactobjectives, with support from MEL colleagues● Champion the data collection and impact reporting processes which have beendeveloped to capture learning, evidence and impact data from our programmaticwork● Support the development of a culture of learning at our organisation, where we useevidence and impact data to continuously improve our programme design anddelivery● Help our organisation to clearly and confidently articulate the impact we’re having on thesystems we’re seeking to change, by generating appropriate data, research, casestudies and evidence● Support our partners to meeting reporting deadlines and to improve their own MELcapability, as needed● Identify gaps in research within your sector, recommending research topics to theMEL team for consideration● Support the commissioning of research grants, appointment of learning andevaluation partners where neededFundraising and Communications (15%)● Support fundraising efforts by consulting on fundraising proposals, sharingprogrammatic strategies and updates on our plans, attending meetings with currentand prospective funders● Support partners to create compelling case studies and testimonials from ourgrantees which demonstrate their impact and contribute to our externalcommunications● Act as an ambassador and spokesperson for organisation meetings, site visits, eventsand other external-facing activities as required● Share our learnings and insights with external partners and grantmaking peers,building our reputation as a transformative and collaborative grant-maker that iscreating systemic changeLeadership and Management (15%)● Support our Senior Leadership team to develop a happy and highperforming team and build a culture that is inclusive● As a member of our Management Team, support the development of ahighly effective Impact Directorate, ensure talent progression of Impact Managers,effective collaboration across the team and a culture of continuous learning● Contribute to the culture of our organisation, embodying and championing theorganisation’s values● Build strong knowledge and deep expertise related to your programmatic impactgoals● Develop a wide network of sector peers and industry connections, allowing you tobe convenor and collaborative thought-leader● Commit to your role as an emerging global thought leader within the grantmakingand philanthropy sectors by continually evolving our approach, sharing bestpractices and deepening our impact.● Identifying (and sometimes leading/initiating) cross-sector collaborationopportunities● Produce and present reports to the Team, the SLT and the Board on our progresstowards meeting our strategic goalsAbout YouKnowledge and experience● Experience leading education and/or employment programmes for young peopleacross multiple countries (ideally including the US, Brazil, UK and Italy)● Experience of developing international programme strategies and successfullyengaging with teams/stakeholders across multiple time-zones, with varying localcontexts and languages● Experience in developing monitoring, evaluation and learning frameworks forvarious programmes working in a variety of contexts● Experience working in a start-up environment and/or the ability to workautonomously● Experience of relational and progressive grantmaking practice (either as agrantmaker or a fundraiser)● Experience of developing communities of practice, convening partners andstakeholders to share best practices● Strong experience of cultivating and developing relationships with a wide range ofinternal and external stakeholders, including working with C-level executives andTrustee boards● Experience and/or excellent knowledge in the issues affecting underrepresentedyoung people, ideally related to youth employmentSkills● Effective in developing relationships with organisations at all levels.● Excellent written and oral communication skills, and the ability to communicate withand influence a range of audiences.● Confident, resourceful, and proactive, with initiative and a problem-solvingdisposition.● Good interpersonal skills, particularly in the context of managing both internal andexternal relationships and external representation of our organisation.● A confident decision-maker with the ability to manage competing deadlines.● Able to analyse and synthesise complex information quickly and effectively.● Awareness of youth participation strategies and commitment to embedding youthvoice and opinions in everything you doPersonal Qualities● Flexible and creative; you thrive in an evolving and dynamic organisation.● Highly collaborative; your default is to work in a cooperative and supportive way todeliver results.● Highly motivated self-starter; able to work independently, displaying stronginitiative in solving day-to-day problems with limited direction.● Strategic: Ability to translate a vision into an engaging and ambitious plan, applyinganalytical and judgement skills● Inclusive: Committed to embedding the values of equity, diversity and inclusion ineverything that you do.● Youth-led and mission focused: Passionate about supporting and empoweringyoung people from a diverse range of backgrounds to flourish and succeed.● Reflective and self-aware: Strong personal commitment to learning andimprovement.Desirable● Deep knowledge and professional network within STEM career pathways and/or theMotorsports industry● Specific knowledge of best practice in Grantmaking, Convening, Campaigning andYouth Participation within our global growth regions US (Miami, Las Vegasand Austin), Brazil and Italy● Deep contextual understanding of Youth Education and Employment opportunitieswithin our global growth regions US (Miami, Las Vegas and Austin), Braziland Italy● Ability to read, speak and write in Portuguese and Italian