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Senior Administrator (Systems and Business) - Part time

Posted 9 days ago

Job Description

Westmorland and Furness Licensing Team has 3 main offices located in Barrow, Penrith, and Kendal, with Officers and administrators located at each. This post forms part of the Councils wider licensing service but will specifically be dealing with the Barrow area.



Ensure a commercial customer focused approach to service delivery whilst protecting and


supporting our communities and businesses. Good interpersonal skills and a positive approach to


working relationships within the team and to business stakeholders is essential



Support service delivery improvements in Public Protection (Environmental Health and Licensing)


and work to corporate priorities and strategic objectives.



Providing day-to-day service


management of the administration staff and functions providing expertise, support, motivation and


leadership. Actively planning proactive work and promoting chargeable services to businesses.



· To carry out data-processing and inputting, ordering materials and processing financial


information, produce licenses, letters, compiling statistical information, produce statistical returns


and reports accordingly within the post holders remit. If necessary preparing case information for


Officers including statements, committee reports and evidence which may be required in


connection with enforcement proceedings



· To undertake licensing duties as required including premises licensing and taxi licensing. Process various licensing applications and maintain relevant databases as required. Advise applicants and


members of the public regarding licensing requirements · To undergo training and continuous professional development as necessary and maintain an up to date working knowledge of duties within the remit of the post, advising colleagues, the public, businesses and councillors as and when necessary