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Randstad Education

Site Manager

Posted 8 hours ago by@ Randstad Education

  • Liverpool, Merseyside
  • Permanent
  • £30,000 to £33,366 /Yr
  • Standard
  • Expires In a month

Post Title:

Site Manager


  • To manage efficiently and effectively the Academy/School/School site, accommodation, buildings and grounds
  • To be responsible for the overall security arrangements of the premises
  • To be responsible for Health & Safety across the school ensuring compliance with Health & Safety Legislation, policies and procedures
  • To manage all support staff within the facilities portfolio

Reporting to:

Director of Facilities for the Trust

Responsible for:

Site Operatives, Supervisory Assistants and Cleaning Staff

Liaising with:

Principal, SLT, Operations Manager, Teaching and Support Staff, Trustees, Suppliers, Contractors, External Agencies

Working time:

37 hours per week. To be available during out of work hours for emergencies (mobile phone provided).


Service Provision:

  • As the designated 'competent person' for health and safety, to ensure that the relevant legislation and good practices are continually observed.
  • To implement policies, procedures and processes concerning Health and Safety (including risk/emergency management), in liaison with Director of Facilities & appropriate staff
  • To proactively manage the school facilities to ensure the buildings and grounds are kept to a high standard, undertaking regular visual inspections to identify defects and potential hazards
  • To have operational knowledge and understanding of school Mechanical and Electrical systems e.g. heating, ventilation, CCTV
  • To ensure all security and fire safety systems are regularly maintained and tested, appropriate records kept and all related policies and procedures are reviewed and updated as necessary
  • To lead on Health & Safety Audit
  • Monitor and manage the facilities helpdesk delegating work accordingly
  • To promote and monitor safe working practices within the Academy/School/School and to provide regular reports to the Director of Facilities for the Trust.
  • To contribute to the implementation of the Academy/School's Accommodation Strategy with specific responsibility for the management of a rolling programme of maintenance, redecoration, furniture renewal and relocation of subjects/functional areas.
  • To be responsible for the arrangement of appropriate staffing to cover lettings and events on site out of normal school hours
  • To manage and supervise premises and cleaning staff including responsibility for induction, appraisal, training and monitoring
  • To follow Academy/School and Trust procedures for purchase order
  • To ensure approved site works/services are supervised and completed satisfactorily in consultation with Director of Finance, Facilities & Principal
  • To ensure the security of Academy/School resources and accommodation including the operation of fire, smoke and intruder alarms, emergency key holder responsibilities and risk management.
  • To be responsible for the deployment and work of the Site Operatives and other facilities staff.
  • To ensure and assist in the provision of an effective portage and order/delivery facility within the Academy/School.
  • To ensure that the Academy/School buildings and site are clean and accessible
  • To be responsible for the Academy/School minibus including maintenance and compliance with legal requirements
  • To ensure that teaching and other staff receive adequate support to meet educational and operational objectives
  • Regular testing of fire alarm and fire evacuation procedure
  • Ensure that health and safety checks are carried out in respect of gas, electricity and water to meet required standards
  • Be an active hands on member of the team demonstrating best practice